To the Stars...

Flashback moment...
(to 15 years ago - WOW!)
I remember going to see this movie around Christmas Time,
Kate and Leo were oh-so-juicy in this scene...
For those of you who have been, oh I don't know - living in a cave- for the last 15 years, think, well... a more adult version of Katniss and Peeta in
the cave!
I can remember being about 13 years and thinking it was just the best movie moment ever!
(it's still ONE of the best-and oh my God, I just let my age out of the bag)...
oh well.
Is it weird that this film reminds me of the holidays?
94-97 were really great years for movies...
Forrest Gump, Shawshank, etc...
Unfortunately I didn't reach my Motion Picture coming-of-age until about 2004 -
I'd like to think Dawson's Creek for stunting my growth...
and strangely enough - Wilmington, North Carolina for igniting it.
(I love you Pacey...)



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